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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Simply SEO

Keywords (a word used in a performing a search) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO, the process of choosing targeted keyword phrases related to a site, and ensuring that the site places well when those keyword phrases are part of a web search) are tools that must be used to create and maintain a profitable website.

choosing targeted keyword phrases related to a site, and ensuring that the site places well when those keyword phrases are part of a web search”. That's about as clear as mud!! Let's break it down and I will show you examples of each.

Keywords, a word used in performing a search. The majority of people searching for a product or service on the internet, will enter a complete or partial sentence as their search criteria. If someone is looking for a purse, they may enter the query “purses”. If they do they will get millions of hits relating to purses.

The search engine spiders (A spider is a program that a search engine uses to seek out information on the internet, as well as to index the information that it finds so that actual search results appear when a search query for a keyword is entered. ) will comb the web looking for any webpage with the word “Purse” in the content. More specifically the keywords in the header (a line or lines of text serving to indicate what the passage below it is about). Purse is the keyword. 
Here is what a search for Purses looks like. Purses search results 42,500,000 results returned .

If you have a couple of weeks you could sort through the list and find the purse you want. Or, you could be more specific. This time you search for Liz Claiborne Purses (that's what my wife buys) you get this.Liz Claiborne purses search results 728,000 results returned .

Still a lot more choices than you will want to go through. And those who have used the internet for shopping for any length of time know to be as specific as possible to narrow search results.

So, know we search for Liz Claiborne silver beaded evening clutches for less than $35 you get this.Liz Claiborne silver beaded evening clutches for less than $35 search results 30,600 results returned.

Notice how the amount of results gets smaller and smaller as the search query is more clearly defined.

But know the keyword issue becomes more complex.
Let's look at the query, Liz Claiborne silver beaded evening clutches for less than $35. 
Now, the spiders are looking for the keywords; Liz Claiborne, silver, beaded, evening, clutches and less than $35. And here is what they found in the first site listed. Cached results

The content of the page is Keyword rich. It has been optimized using those keywords in the body of the page. If you look at that page at the top you will see, Keyword results.

If you scroll down you can see where the keywords are highlighted in the text.
This section defines the keywords used in the search. You can access that information by clicking the Cached link in the search results. Link example .
I hope this helps to explain SEO. Another tool for SEO is Google AdWords Keyword Finder Click here.

The keyword finder does exactly what is says it does. You enter a search query and it tells you what keywords are most likely to be used in a search. You must be registeredwith AdWords to use this tool. Registration is free.

So, if we enter Liz Clairborne silver beaded evening clutches for less than $35 into the word or phrase box at the top we get this, Google AdWords. If you scroll down it will show how many results were returned for each keyword or phrase. Keyword count
I have a red box drawn around the highest counts. These are the keywords you want "sprinkled" throughout your header and content if you are marketing that particular purse.

For some reason this was the hardest thing for me to get my head around. It is like this is some deep dark secret only shared among internet marketing gurus. 

So now if you look at the search for my site you see. Simple Search.

Here is what is in the cache, Cache Results
Notice the highlighted keywords. Now go back and take a look at yesterdays blog looking only at the bold and or italicised words. How many keywords do you see?

Hopefully, the light bulb turned on at this point just like it did for me. Sorry we didn't get to a review today. I think this is a very important tool and I wanted to discuss it with a little more detail.

Like always, join and follow the blog, click the banners and text links to start making money. You can use the EWAHR Forum to post questions or request a review of a site or, you can e-mail me directly at ewahr2011@


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