So, it has been about 30 days (give or take a couple of days). Here is what I have accomplished:
1) Stumbled onto Eddy Saloman’s website
2) Decided I would make an attempt to create part time income on the web.
3) Signed up for Amazon Mechanical Turk. I recommend this as your very first step.
4) Found out you could actually make money (and get paid) at home using your computer.
5) Joined Squidoo to learn to build a blog site. Wrote 3 blogs about my family. 1 about this site.
6) Signed up for 5 or 6 Pay to view sites. Including hit exchange sites.
7) Moved blog to Blogger (Google blogs) and started blogging daily.
8) Built and “opened” two Amazon aStores.
11) Researched and developed Affiliate marketing partnerships with over a dozen affiliates.
12) Received offer from survey company to participate in a home study. Started the home study.
13) Built a stand-alone website for free using Yola.
14) Added banner links for affiliate and referral partnerships to Yola website.
15) Built “Splash page” to advertise blog site.
16) Built a forum style website using Yola, complete with affiliate and referral banners.
Believe me folks, if I can do this, you can too.
Okay, here is the thing. I am doing this with absolutely no prior experience in internet marketing. I am not a Rhodes scholar (although I am “smarter than the average bear”). I have used zero money out of pocket. Seriously, I have not spent one cent out of pocket. I bought some email addresses and ad credits for my splash page using money in my PayPal account I earned clicking ads.
The other thing is I am not going out of my way to get this done. I am doing it in between everything else. I am having a lot of fun (as fun as work can be) though I am spending a few extra hours researching and learning new techniques. It is really no more work than I would have brought home from my day job, on any given weekday.
In this time I have earned $102.59 online. I was also recieved a $10.00 Visa gift card and will receive $55.00 for participating in the 2 week home study. Grand total: $167.59 Tah Dah!!!
If one of my friends had said to me You can make an extra $150 dollars, learning something new while you “played” on your computer. I wouldn’t have believed him. But, I did it. This looks to be only the tip of the iceberg. I can keep this income coming in and build on it. I am currently working on getting hits and sales at the websites to take advantage of the banner links.
I will keep reviewing sites and blogging daily. I will also continue to expand my websites and affiliate marketing program.
If you are truly interested in seeing f this is right for you, click the referral banners. Those are the sites I am using to make money, you can do the same. That will also help build the referral side of the business.
If you have any questions send me a message at Blogger.
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